Horizontal version of NMDOJ's logo. It shows the gold Pillar shaped as the state of New Mexico on the left and white text on the right that reads, "New Mexico Department of Justice," on the left.
New Mexico Charity Search

Registry of Charitable Organizations

Search New Mexico Department of Justice Registry of Charitable Organizations for a charitable organization.

Charity Search is based on registration information provided to the New Mexico Department of Justice via NM-COROS (New Mexico - Charitable Organization Registration Online System) by the charity or its registration agent.

New Mexico Department of Justice Charity Search includes registration status history, financial information, and charity documents.

Information within Charity Search is not meant to be a comprehensive list. If you are unable to find information with regard to a charity registration in New Mexico please do not hesitate to e-mail or call the office and we will be pleased to assist you.

(505) 490-4060