Help - General Instructions

This page is the home page for NM-COROS.

Charitable organizations which exist, operate or solicit contributions in New Mexico are required, by law, to register with the Office of the Attorney General and to submit financial reports on a yearly basis utilizing the NM-COROS web application. There are no fees involved to register.

From here, you can:

  • login to your user account
  • recover your password
  • create a new user account

More specific help is available on each of the pages for the specific actions.

Additional Help

If you need additional help, please contact us at: or
(505) 490-4060
When contacting us, please include (or have ready) your FEIN and charity name so we can assist you properly.


New Mexico Charitable Organization Registration Online System (NM-COROS)

Charitable organizations which exist, operate or solicit contributions in New Mexico are required, by law, to register with the New Mexico Department of Justice and to submit financial reports on a yearly basis. There are no fees involved to register. See our Charity Registration FAQ on Charities Page

Attention Charities

DUE DATES: Annual report submissions are due within six months following the close of an organization's fiscal year. The due date is displayed for each Tax Year (fiscal year) on the registration home page. Extension Requests must be done before the due date within NM-COROS. No Exceptions!. To request a six month extension, click the “request or view extensions” link on the registration home page. Filing for an extension with the Internal Revenue Service is a separate matter and does not fulfill the requirement for an organization to request an extension of the due date to file its annual reports with the New Mexico Department of Justice.

The Charity Registrar handles a high volume of requests for assistance with the registration and reporting functions under NM-COROS. We will respond in the order in which requests are received. Emails to are highly preferred to calls. If you contact us prior to your deadline for reporting to us, you will not be penalized by our office if your registration or reports are late because of our extended response time.

If you have a grant deadline or similar urgent matter, please put that in the subject line of your email sent to We will give those emails priority so that organizations may be assisted in time to meet their deadlines.

Thank you for your patience.


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